About Us and terms of use

Grubic design is a Croatian jewellery brand with an over 30 years long tradition. It all began in the late 1980s when a Zagreb based design enthusiast Mladen Grubić made his first pieces of jewellery. It was Mladen’s hard work and strong desire to succeed in this imaginative and creative business that kept him going in those first years of development and search for his designer trademark. Twenty years later, Mladen is still working diligently, but with the help from his son Petar, who joined him after high-school. Soon, this family-based business blossomed into an actual brand. Thanks to their joint forces and Peter’s sense for business development, Grubic design now has six of their own stores throughout Croatia. Furthermore, the brand has established numerous business partnerships, both at home and abroad.

It was back in the ‘90s when they opened their first store in the city of Cres, on the magnificent island of Cres. At the beginning of the new millennium, they expanded their business onto the up-and-coming island of Pag. First they opened a store in the city of Novalja, followed by another one in the city of Pag soon after. After the two Pag ventures, the brand opened their fourth store in the sole heart of the capital, right next to the main Ban Jelačić Square. Opened in 2017, their newest addition to the family is the store in Šibenik, located in the breathtakingly beautiful old city on the way to St. Michael’s Fortress. Finally, in 2018 they opened a 6th store in one of the most beautiful cities in Croatia - Split.

The designer duo’s opus comprises a variety of collections, styles, materials and countless innovations. According to them, their inexhaustible inspiration stems from rich historical periods and Mother Nature, which never ceases to amaze them. From this, collections such as Elizabeth I, Baroque collections or Knights collection – Urban warriors are born. Their main means for jewellery making are real leather and metal alloys, followed by all sorts of glass and crystal. Likewise, they work with tropical corals, freshwater pearls and semi-precious stones.

When it comes to the role and position of Grubic design brand in the context of the Croatian fashion scene, it is safe to say that they are present in almost all of its domains. The brand frequently participates in numerous events ranging from Zagreb Fashion Week, Design Week Zagreb to TV shows of all the main Croatian channels (Croatian "The Voice", most recently), theatres, entertainment and other kinds of events and gatherings. Alongside the usual collaborations with fashion magazines and portals, the brand frequently lends their jewellery (with a side of artistic counselling) to various film and television projects, last of which is titled “Aleksi” and was directed by B. Vekarić. One of the things they are most proud of is their long-lasting collaboration with the grand Croatian singer Josipa Lisac. Not only has she been their ambassador for years, but also she continues to be an everlasting source of inspiration when it comes to the interpretation of their work in real life.

By following their long-term motto “From street fashion to extravagance” Grubic design managed to resist capricious trends and stay true to its original idea.




Grubić design

Address: Dobri dol 69, 10000 Zagreb

Company for production and trade

Owner Mladen Grubić

OIB: 34787119735

Business bank: Zagrebačka banka d.d.

IBAN: HR3023600001100726148


Mladen Grubić – 091/1212013 studio.grubic@hotmail.com

Petar Grubić – 091/7394078 grubic.design@gmail.com


These terms of purchase define the procedure for ordering, paying,
delivering and returning or claiming goods offered on our web site.
The supplier (Seller) of the goods offered on this site is Grubić
Design, Dobri dol 69, 10 000 Zagreb, and the Buyer of goods is an
internet store visitor who selects at least one product, fills out the
electronic order form and sends it to the Seller. All prices are in
euro and include VAT.

All prices on www.grubic-design.hr are in euro with VAT included.
Valid purchase price are those stated on the day of the order, i.e.
all the ordered goods will be delivered at the prices that were valid
when the bidding was made, or at the time of ordering. The prices are
valid until the new price list.

The listed prices only apply to the web shop at www.grubic-design.hr
and they do not have to be identical to the prices listed at the
Grubic design physical stores in Croatia.

Grubić design is authorized to change prices without prior notice.
Likewise, Grubić design is authorized without prior notice to
determine discounts at any time.


The Buyer can be, but doesn't have to be, registered at
www.grubic-design.hr in order to make a purchase. When registering, it
is required from the Buyer that she/he enters her/his e-mail address
and a password.


Ordering of merchandise is possible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The
merchandise is ordered exclusively by an electronic form - an internet
store cart. The buyer may or may not have to be registered on the
Seller's website to make the order. However, the buyer is required to
enter the contact details and addresses (buyer's address and address
of delivery) to complete the order process. All jewellery pieces are
produced after receiving an order. After the piece has been made, the
order is authorized and the parcel sent out in two working days.


Preferred products can be paid through PayPal service. Nowhere do we
record or store information about your credit card. The system's
security protocols protect all data of all participants in the process
of purchasing over the Internet. Purchase orders are only made after
it has been determined that the ordered products are available in the
Seller's online store. In the case of credit card payment, the Buyer
fills out the billing form and the reservation of the required funds
is made, but the transaction is carried out after the Seller
determines that the ordered products are available. Upon ordering, the
Buyer will receive notice that the order has been received and that
the availability of ordered items is checked.

Grubić design is not responsible for the potential tariffs, the cost
of customs clearance and other taxes in the destination country.


The secrecy of your data is protected and secured by using SSL
encryption. Web payment pages are secured using Secure Socket Layer
(SSL) protocols with 128-bit data encryption. SSL Encryption is a data
encryption process that prevents unauthorized access during data
transfer. This ensures secure data transfer and disables unauthorized
access to data when communicating between the user's computer and the
Paypal service, and vice versa.


Grubic design is committed to providing protection of personal data by
collecting only the essential and most basic informations about its
customers/users; informs buyers of how they use the data they collect,
regularly gives buyers the possibility to decide on the use of their
data, including the ability to decide whether or not to delete their
name from the list used for marketing campaigns. All customer
information is strictly kept secret and only available to employees so
they can perform their duties. All Grubić designer employees and
business partners are responsible for compliance with the privacy


Delivery of goods is done within 3 working days from the confirmation
of availability of items for the territory of the Republic of Croatia,
5 working days for the European Union area and 7 working days for the
USA and Australia. Grubić design is not responsible for delays in
delivery of goods caused by customs clearance procedures in the
destination state, weather conditions or other unforeseeable

Shipping cost:

3 euro for Croatia

9.95 euro for rest of the world.

Delivery is free of charge for orders in the amount of:

40euro or more for Croatia

100 euro or more for rest of the world


In accordance with Article 72 of the Consumer Protection Act, the
buyer is entitled to waive the purchase within 14 days. The 14 day
deadline begins on the day of delivery of the ordered merchandise. To
do this, the buyer must notify the seller by writing to his e-mail
address: grubic.design@gmail.com.

If the buyer withdraws from the purchase after she/he has already
taken the merchandise, the merchandise must be returned to the seller
by written notice. When returning products, they must be unused and
undamaged, and must enclose a copy of the original invoice and send
them all together to the sender's address.

Grubić Design

Dobri dol 69

10 000 Zagreb

The customer reimburses the cost of returning the merchandise.

The seller is obliged to return the money no later than 14 days after
receipt of the goods.

In the case of a complaint, Buyer can contact the Seller via e-mail
address grubic.design@gmail.com.

Unilateral contract termination

To exercise your right on an unilateral contract termination, you have
to inform us of your

decision before the deadline by an unambiguous statement sent by post,
fax or e-mail in

which you state your name and surname, address, telephone number/fax
number and e-mail

address. You are free to use the enclosed example of the form for
unilateral contract

The deadline for unilateral contract termination is 14 days since the
day you, or a third party

you appointed (which is not the transporter) has come into possession
of the goods. The

confirmation of receiving the notice of unilateral termination will be
delivered without

withhold to your e-mail address.

If terminate the contract unilaterally, we will refund the money
received from you

including shipping costs without withholding, and within 14 days from the day we

have received your decision of unilateral contract termination. Money
refund will be

made through the same way you made your payment. Money refund can be made only

after we have received the items.

Return of the goods

Return the goods by post or hand it over to us using the address
Grubić Design, Dobri dol 69,

10000 Zagreb without unnecessary withholding. It is considered that you have

accomplished your obligation in time if you send us back or give over
the product to

authorized person before the deadline established earlier.

The costs of return will be covered by us.

The consumers responsibility for reduction of the goods value

The consumer is responsible for every reduction in the value of the
goods which is the result of usage, except for the actions which were necessary for defining the nature, features and functionality of the items.

Responsibility for material shortcomings

In compliance with the Consumer Protection Act, in situations of material

shortcomings of the product, relationship between the consumer and the seller is

regulated through Civil Obligations Act (NN 35/05, 41/08, 125/11, 78/15).

Consumer is obligated to inform the seller about a visible material
shortcomings of the

received goods without withholding, latest be two months since the day the

shortcoming was discovered.

As a seller we can not be held responsible for the material
shortcomings of a sold item

which is shown after two years since the sale was concluded.

Online dispute resolution

By a special European Union regulation, since 15 th of February 2016 all online

shopping disputes on EU territory are eligible for resolving through
an ODR platform

(accessible here:



If you encounter a problem during online shopping inside EU territory
(faulty item,

inability to exchange a product…), you can make a complaint in a quick and easy

manner using the web address provided above. The platform can be used by both

consumers and sellers, and the complaint can be made in any of the 23
official EU languages.


All payments will be made in the currency of Croatian kuna. The amount
that will be charged for your credit card is obtained through the
conversion of the price from the euro into the Croatian kuna according
to the valid exchange rate of the Croatian National Bank.

When your credit card is charged, the same amount is converted into
your local currency by the valid card exchange card list.

As a result of price conversion, there is a possibility of small
differences in the amount compared to the original price displayed on
our website.


By visiting the Grubić design web shop, you communicate
electronically. By doing so, you agree that all agreements, notices
and other content provided to you by electronic means comply with
legal frameworks as if they were made in writing.


Grubic Design reserves the right to change and update these Terms of
Purchase. Any change to the Terms of Purchase will be published on the
Grubić Design Internet Store website.